Spears of Truth

Spears of Truth

Price:  $1260
Size:  30″ x 24″ x 1 1/2″
The largest stone used in this painting is Black Obsidian.

Black Obsidian

The powerful properties of Black Obsidian are due to its origin. Obsidian is born out of quickly cooled volcanic lava, so it has the most potent energy of the interaction of several raw and powerful elements – fire, earth, and water.
Black Obsidian derives its name from an ancient Roman explorer called Obsius who was given a black glass sphere from a volcano by and Ethiopian woman called Xenia. It is also called the “wizard stone” because it has been used since ancient times in many magical practices. Polished Obsidian mirrors were used for scrying and Nostradamus is reputed to have used a Black Obsidian sphere for scrying.
Obsidian was revered by ancient cultures. It was n e of the major barter materials, and prized for its ability to be worked to razor-sharp edges for arrows and spears. It has been used since prehistoric times for making tools, masks, weapons, mirrors and jewelry. Metaphysically this stone is said to cut through illusions, lies, fearful facades and blockages. It is often called the stone of truth and it can reveal boundless secrets and mysteries. The energy of these stone may stimulate the gift of prophesy.
Others say Black Obsidian has an ability to draw in negative energy, thus protecting the wearer or the surroundings in which is tis places. In Feng Shui Black Obsidian should be placed in the North Bagua area – the area connected to the energy of Career and Path in Life. The energy of Black Obsidian not only provides the wearer quality Feng Shui element energy needed in the North area, but it also offers protection, as well as clears obstacles in your life path.