Longing for Camelot

Longing For Camelot

 Price:  $1872
Size:  24 x 24
I have always love the story of Camelot.  I love books about it.  I love the musical.  I love the way there was a righteous place where things were fair and noble.  Unfortunately, temptation and selfishness overpowered the good and Camelot fell.  But her idealism survived.  I still dream of such a place.
This painting is about how I dream of Camelot.  Our world is not ideal.  Temptations of power and selfishness still abound  today.  How I would like it to be otherwise!  In my painting the mountain is more realistic and grounded than the ethereal castle on the hill.  I often dream of making an imaginary space station where I can have an ideal society.  In my own way it is like my dream of Camelot.  I think I will name my imaginary space station Camelot.  It is where I go emotionally when I feel the ugliness of our world gets overwhelming.  Wouldn’t it be cool if there really was a society that was fair and good???  One of the stones on the hill in the painting is from Tintagel.  It is from the ancient ruin of the castle in England where they believe King Arthur was born.  Though scholars are not sure if Arthur really had such an ideal reign they are pretty sure that there was a King Arthur and his reign did start the legend.