Dreams Unlimited
Dreams Unlimited
Dreams Unlimited

Dreams Unlimited

Ceramic/Mixed Media
Size: 11″ h x 7 1/2″ w x 6″ d
Price: $148

Managua, Nicaragua

The large rock in this piece was given to me by my youngest daughter after her trip to Nicaragua. This rock came from Managua. Managua is the capital of Nicaragua. It is also the largest city in the country with a population of roughly 1,800,000. She remembers the native people as certainly having less than she has but they were very happy and welcoming. She especially loved talking to the children.


With its pearly hues that shimmer in a range of iridescent blues, greens, and golds, the Labradorite reminds us to keep it magical by linking us to the spirit world, a dimension where anything is possible. Other stones keep us anchored to the earth with their powerful grounding effects while Labradorite encourages us to keep our head in the clouds. Labradorite awakens you to this deep inner consciousness, a world where your creativity has infinite possibilities. Labradorite teaches you to have the confidence to dance to the beat of your own drum. I have to smile when I think who brought me the rock the Labradorite is attached to. My youngest definitely dances to her own drum beat. And she does it very beautifully well.